Our Five Favorite Gardening Blogs video
Our Five Favorite Gardening Blogs
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Kelsey Baird is the editorial assistant for Country Sampler’s special home decorating publications. Inspired by the creativity and talent of the Country Sampler team and other crafters at Annie’s, Kelsey enjoys repurposing and creating unique home decor pieces. She has also recently taken up gardening and is excited to get creative with her small space! Full bio »

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Are you a gardener or a gardener wanna-be who likes to chat over the fence with your neighbor about what's growing? You'll bring more to the discussion after watching this episode of Creative Living with Country Sampler editorial assistant Kelsey Baird.

In this episode, Kelsey delves into five fantastic gardening blogs which give excellent info on how to grow flowers and vegetables in spaces small and large, plus budget-friendly advice and tips on improving nutrition in kids by letting them experience the joys of the growing their own veggies.